Tuesday, April 24, 2007


The absolute fear-mongering going on over to the left of me is getting pretty scary. Although an intellectual attack on Sheryl Crow's recent suggestions (which were made at the White House Correspondent's Dinner, one of the precious few times we usually can get AWAY from politics) would be laughably easy, it serves to illustrate a larger problem with the "green" movement: the way that insane, hemp-smoking ideas become legitimized by lighting up under the rainbow banner of environmentalism.

Greenpeace-wackos, eager to feel like they're relevant, have by-and-large signed all of us up to a third-world poverty hellhole lifestyle. While the Al Gores and Sheryl Crows get to continue their energy gluttony in the name of sacrificing a little to educate "the people", the rest of us are on the gallows of economic ruin via their "Kyoto protocols". China thanks you for scaling down American competitiveness as they build their 365th energy plant this year. Part of the ol' "if you can't beat 'em, convince him to commit suicide" gambit.

This reminds me of a broader point. The left's self-martyrdom is reprehensible. The America haters inside this country will make excuses for the extremists of this world because it subsidizes their guilt with their own failure. It appears the best scapegoat is the hand that fed you. There are literally THOUSANDS of Cho Shueng-Huis out there RIGHT NOW in the Middle East who would like to make VA Tech look like child's play. Why do they want to do that? Because we stand in the way of their pre-civilization theocracy which silences all dissenters (and yes women, to them you dissent when you vote). Stop hating America because System of a Down told you to and start thinking with logic, not emotions.


Anonymous said...

You are just jealous that System of a Down is a better band than yours.

emozilla said...

yeah man, really good point. you really know how to argue an issue.

emozilla said...

"Why don't the presidents ever fight the war, why do they always send the poor?"

Wow, someone get out the Pulitzer. I think it's funny when you realize where SOADs money goes to, well, all I can say is Sony (a $68 billion/year company) welcomes your hard-fought anti-capitalist dollars.

Anonymous said...

Let's see, your average E-4 in the military that goes and fights the war makes a good $1600 monthly base pay. You add allowances on top of that - if they're married, the Basic Allowance for Housing (or BAH as we militaryfolk call it) can be up to around $3,000 a month. Add more dependents and it keeps going up. If they speak another language (like me!) they can make up to $1,000 more a month. Combat pay is another $225 a month, family separation pay is at least another $150 a month. Throw in the new Assignment Incentive Pay for longer tours and that's another $500 a month. We get a Basic Allowance for Sustenance (BAS) which is around $300 a month. Some assignments offer COLA which can be up to $600 a month. Once you get higher up you can start making up to around $6000 a month in base pay.

So yeah. I'm not seeing any poor people fighting any wars in the States, thanks.