Tuesday, April 24, 2007


The absolute fear-mongering going on over to the left of me is getting pretty scary. Although an intellectual attack on Sheryl Crow's recent suggestions (which were made at the White House Correspondent's Dinner, one of the precious few times we usually can get AWAY from politics) would be laughably easy, it serves to illustrate a larger problem with the "green" movement: the way that insane, hemp-smoking ideas become legitimized by lighting up under the rainbow banner of environmentalism.

Greenpeace-wackos, eager to feel like they're relevant, have by-and-large signed all of us up to a third-world poverty hellhole lifestyle. While the Al Gores and Sheryl Crows get to continue their energy gluttony in the name of sacrificing a little to educate "the people", the rest of us are on the gallows of economic ruin via their "Kyoto protocols". China thanks you for scaling down American competitiveness as they build their 365th energy plant this year. Part of the ol' "if you can't beat 'em, convince him to commit suicide" gambit.

This reminds me of a broader point. The left's self-martyrdom is reprehensible. The America haters inside this country will make excuses for the extremists of this world because it subsidizes their guilt with their own failure. It appears the best scapegoat is the hand that fed you. There are literally THOUSANDS of Cho Shueng-Huis out there RIGHT NOW in the Middle East who would like to make VA Tech look like child's play. Why do they want to do that? Because we stand in the way of their pre-civilization theocracy which silences all dissenters (and yes women, to them you dissent when you vote). Stop hating America because System of a Down told you to and start thinking with logic, not emotions.

Friday, April 20, 2007

"Rosie has the right of free speech."

Yes, Rosie O'Donnell does have the right to free speech. But, does that mean she should just whatever she wants without the risk of getting fired? If I were working at a fast food place, and I referred to African Americans by using to n-word, do you think I should be able to keep my job? I hope not. That's why I'm praying (to the one God who exists. That's right, I said it) that Rosie gets fired harder than anyone's EVER been fired.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Rosie O'Donnell is the scum of the universe

http://stoprosie.com/ Everyone with half a mind please go and sign the petition.

"Don't fear the 'terrorists'. They’re mothers and fathers." - Rosie O'Donnell

If you don't sign the petition, you're only letting this left wing nut case get away with her bullcrap.

Monday, April 9, 2007


Assume that different races at, say, a company is inherently good because of "diversity".

But we don't measure diversity in interviews, only in that a healthy mix of races equals diversity (as said gloriously today by Jesse Jackson when he commented that if there aren't any black people on MSNBC it's not diverse).

So therefore, our only method of determining diversity is through race. This must assume, then, that certain races are predisposed (either genetically or because of socio-economics) to be "different" than other ones, and hence diverse. If we assume this we can then conclude that a statement such as "black people are less intelligent than whites" is logically sound up to the actual point of declaring WHAT IT IS that the races differ by. If you buy Jesse Jackson's "diversity" tangent than you must accept the premise of the previous statement, that is that some race is more likely to be more one way than the other, as correct.

It's amazing how the same people who quote "all men are created equal" still think the best way to bring different people together is to pick one of each race out. The only difference I see is skin color, and that's a dangerous method by which to determine character...

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Let's eat chicken, and rock out to the Nuge.

If it's one thing I can't stand, it's a summer-of-love-eat-a-peach-for-peace-hug-a-tree animal activist. These fair weather superheros who rather a million people die, than one animal be "mistreated." These guys are going to change the world, just as long as everyone on Earth passes by the community college while they're passing out their freshly Kinko'd fliers. But, let's pray to Pure Luck and Evolution it doesn't rain, because then they'd have to pack it in and call it a day. If Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. were a frail white guy with glasses and a pocket full of weed, he'd marching right along side of his pseudo-ethical brothers. Because, according to PETA it's the exact same struggle. That's right, that piece of chicken you're eating may as well be a black guy from the 60's. Or even a Jew during the holocaust. The Jews were burned alive, and chicken is BBQ'd! SAME DIFFERENCE, RIGHT? Well, I'd hate to burst this ugly bubble, but no there is a huge difference. The Jews during the holocaust, and the modern Jews have at least one thing in common: THEY'RE HUMAN. They're humans with families, friends, and memories. They were brought into this world just like all of us. They were someone's baby, they played games, they fell in love, but they were forced into camps, and killed systematicly. And they're equating this to a bird. Is anyone else even a little disgusted by this? HUMAN, ANIMAL, WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? THEY ALL SEEM TO BE THE SAME THING IN ALL THOSE CARTOONS I USED TO WATCH. I have only one question; how can an animal with the brain the size of a pea have ALL the same emotions, and thoughts as the highest lifeform? That's right, I said it. HUMANS ARE THE HIGHEST LIFEFORM, GET OVER IT. A chicken doesn't check its myspace. You're not going to get an add from FogHorn LegHorn. And why can't you talk to a chicken over AIM? BECAUSE, CHICKENS ARE STUPID! What I personal think is disgusting is; the exact same group of people who are against animal testing are for stem cell research. It's because PETA nuts HATE humans and love animals. Period.

By the way, you can NEVER bring down the meat market. You may choose to not eat meat, but in almost every way, you're giving your money to the meat industry. The car you drive was made by someone who eats meat. The mortar and brick in your home has animal products. Film contains mylar, which is an animal byproduct. If you've ever seen a movie, well you've supported the meat industry. Sorry, pal. Which I think is hilarious, considering Peta's main source of propaganda is FILM.

Eat animals, it's what they're here for.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

a thought

There are psychological explanations for why conspiracy theories are so seductive. Academics who study them argue that they meet a basic human need: to have the magnitude of any given effect be balanced by the magnitude of the cause behind it. A world in which tiny causes can have huge consequences feels scary and unreliable. Therefore a grand disaster like Sept. 11 needs a grand conspiracy behind it. 'We tend to associate major events--a President or princess dying--with major causes,' says Patrick Leman, a lecturer in psychology at Royal Holloway University of London, who has conducted studies on conspiracy belief. 'If we think big events like a President being assassinated can happen at the hands of a minor individual, that points to the unpredictability and randomness of life and unsettles us.'

--from Wikipedia, the free encylopedia

Sunday, April 1, 2007


Anyone wanna take a shot at what that is? Oh yeah, those are two TEENAGERS (<18) being executed in Iran for having gay sex. I may be a conservative Christian, but this is wrong in every way possible. If anyone has any thoughts on why Ahmadinejad is NOT the next Hitler, I'd love to hear them (he wants to iradicate Jews too; sound familiar?). This is the same country that Democrats swear they will try and impeach Bush for if he invades it.

Slam dunk Nancy Pelosi, slam dunk.

And then there's the whole invading Iraqi waters to attack and hold hostage 15 British soldiers and illegally parade them around on TV. There's that too.