Friday, May 18, 2007

War Funding

I don't know exactly what the Democrats in Congress expect to gain by their recent stunts with the troop's livelihood. Their carrot dangling (in this case the carrot is armor) merely shows how little respect they have for our military -- and by association our country in general. People often say that times of pressure show true character. When the going gets tough, the democrats get running. It's this specific American-hating policy, that the war is lost and that we should damn Iraq to 20 years of Darfur like civil war, is evidence that our legislator's leadership has a sad lack of a backbone.

If we leave Iraq we it WILL be another Darfur. Of course, Myspace won't have ads telling people to "do their part for Iraq". There won't be any trendy hippie fests for where U2 will demand that we help the poor Iraqi people. And George Clooney won't demans from the UN that we intercede in Iraq. Why is that? Because liberals don't care about truth. They care about the illusion of truth. Since they can ignore and write off Iraq as a Republican-caused problem then they can ignore the basic truth that their poster-child humanitarian issue is not isolated. In short, they don't care if people are dying, they just care when U2 talks about it.


Anonymous said...

I just wish you guys would stop breathing so you would stop writing such dumb shit. People don't care about Darfur because U2 talks about it. They care about it because it is an obvious problem. Please stop writing things that are untruthful and stupid. It makes you look bad.

Anonymous said...

hey anonymous
stop posting anonymous pussy

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last anonymous person. I think the first anonymous person is a stupid pussy. U2 sucks.

Anonymous said...

why do you need to know who posts, so you can use something personal against him or her to shoot down their argument because you can't actually find an intelligent counter-argument to rebuttal?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.