Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Are There Neurological Differences Between Men and Women?

If you watch TV (like most Americans) it will seem like most people have settled on believing that there are little to no inherent mental differences between men and women. However, if you talk to the general public, especially those with a significant other, they will probably tell you that any idiot can tell that there IS in fact many differences.

This is where it gets tricky, though. Many people claim that those differences are enforced by society, and have little or no relation to natural brain chemistry. This seems like a quality argument, but one must also think - How did society develop these stereotypes to begin with?

It is a fact that in most ancient cultures, men hunted and women (for the most part) gathered. It is entirely plausible that each of them evolved accordingly over time. The areas of the brain were most likely sharpened to help each sex carry out their jobs. Furthermore, the presence of androgen in embryos creates a male brain, whereas studies show that the lack-thereof, or maybe even ovarian hormones create the female brain.

While there has been plenty of evidence supporting the natural neurological differences in men and women, many psychologists and pseudo psychologists press on, and insist that these claims are false. But why? Is it simply because their own egos are barring them from believing that not everyone was born with the exact same set of skills? Or is there some other reason?

What is truly amazing to me is that mega-liberals will use this data (or related data) to support their belief that homosexuals and heterosexuals are inherently different, however, they will then deny it in the case of men vs. women. While there is evidence of the brains of homosexuals being more like that of straight people of the opposite sex, this is not necessarily a good thing. To me, this is actually implying that something went wrong while they were in their embryonic state. Does this mean that homosexuality is something that can be adapted out of existence, or maybe even 'fixed' before birth?

Here is a great website that explains a lot of these neurological differences and contains many citations.


Monday, November 19, 2007

Mike's new TV ad running in Iowa and Online (obviously).

Sunday, November 11, 2007

huckabee fundraiser

Here's a small video my friend Dane took at the Huckabee fundraiser we both attended last week in Owosso, MI. The whole event was extremely exciting.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

ron paul

Ron Paul represents everything that's wrong with the internet. His supporters spam every poll available in a thinly-veiled attempt to suggest he as actual support amongst Americans with jobs. They're the rabid, the unwashed mashes, the dark part of cyberspace you know exists but try to avoid. They spam message boards at every mention of his name in dire hope that comments on YouTube somehow translates into votes. Don't be fooled. The Internet has a disproportional amount of Paulies, but it also has a disproportionate amount of pedophiles as well. Representative of America, it is not. Need more help imagining what a Ron Paul supporter looks like? They were the guy in high school who always said "you know, Hitler was a pretty good leader if you think about it".

Ron Paul has consistently shown around 3% support in nation-wide polls. Given his considerable financial backing, he undoubtedly spends an inconceivable amount more per-percentage point than any other candidate. Why is this? Because his message is wrong and sane people understand this. Ron Paul is your crazy pot-smoking uncle who owns too many guns and is just waiting for the day the government collapses so he and his pool tavern buddies can come out of their dome-shaped bunkers and fight for the wealth the "International Zionist Bankers" have so long denied them.

"Dr." Ron Paul's zealots claim he has the most "pro-constitution" stance of any candidate. He says this with the a straight face as he claims that pretty much every law ever passed is unconstitutional. FDA? Unconstitutional. War on drugs? Unconstitutional. Federal Reserve? Unconstitutional. Since the Supreme Court has vehemently rejected all these claims, a true Ron Paul supporter must believe that they, in their first year as a political science major, have cracked the code of constitutional law that so far has eluded the all the J.D.s that have sat on our nation's highest court.

His views are just plain immature. Claiming that the gold standard will fix the American dollar? Immature. Like trying to solve a famous mathematical problem using only high school algebra, his childish take on a complex situation illustrates he has no understanding of sound monetary policy. Fiat money may be unfair, but is flexible to a fast-paced growing economy you need the ability to quickly adjust the money supply and the gold standard would be an elephant-on-the-back of the economy itself. Not to mention that the US GDP far out values the entire stock of gold in the world. The only way to bring the two in line would be for an apocalyptic depression in the market. But Paulies don't care because the only rich people are the Jewish bankers anyway :rollseyes:.

And let's not forget about his foreign policy. It manages to come across as sounding both like co-dependent victim of domestic abuse making of excuses for their abusive partner and like something out of Mein Kampf. No, don't say Godwin's Law. You're retarded. Ron Paul truly believes that if we just let the Arab world get along with the destruction of Israel than everything will be okay. His "constitutional" backing for this is that several founding fathers were isolationists and, therefore, this is how current day foreign policy should be. "Thomas Jefferson warned us of foreign entanglements!", they cry. No shit. He also was an alcoholic and liked having sex with his slaves on the side. God, he is not. Once again, the whole thing reeks of immaturity.

Want some other crazy tidbits? He supports homeopathy and other "alternative medicines". I wouldn't be surprised if he were a UFO nut as well.

Ron Paul is not wrong or bad in the classical way a politician is wrong or bad. Ron Paul is clinically insane and anyone who supports him has a personality disorder.

Friday, October 26, 2007

never say never

video of president clinton taking on a heckler

Now, I never thought I'd say this, but I'm quite proud of how he handled the situation. 9/11 Truthers need to know there is no way their disgusting ideology will be put up with anywhere.

Monday, September 24, 2007

i heart huckabee

This past weekend I had the chance to meet most of the Republican presidential candidates on Mackinac Island in Michigan. They all gave speeches and to be honest I was a bit starstruck by the whole thing. However, after reflection, I realized that I still was a little apprehensive in giving my endorsement.

Romney, who won the straw poll there, gave an excellent speech on family values but I couldn't help feel reproached about his big-government spending and mandating while he was governor of Massachusetts. McCain, who gave a crowd-inspiring fire and brimstone speech on the war talked nothing about the future of our country in domestic fiscal and social issues. Thompson felt dull and uninspired, speaking only in polite generalizations. And Giuliani, who by the way is extremely personable and a great fiscal conservative, wisely forgot mentioning his stance on social issues that are important to most of us on the right.

Who, then? Mike Huckabee. Mike Huckabee is a true conservative. Compassionate in his upbringing, truthful in his message of fairness, and a great servant to God and Country. I could enumerate his stances here but he's done it best on his site. Go there with the link above and click on "Issues". Find me a real red-blooded conservative who can't agree with his message.

Conserve Thought endorses Mike Huckabee for President of the United States.

Friday, August 24, 2007

more thoughts

Even though faith is above reason, there can never be any real disagreement between faith and reason, since it is the same God who reveals the mysteries and infuses faith, and who has endowed the human mind with the light of reason.

God cannot deny himself, nor can truth ever be in opposition to truth. The appearance of this kind of specious contradiction is chiefly due to the fact that either the dogmas of faith are not understood and explained in accordance with the mind of the Church, or unsound views are mistaken for the conclusions of reason. Therefore we define that every assertion contrary to the truth of enlightened faith is totally false.

Not only can faith and reason never be at odds with one another but they mutually support each other, for on the one hand right reason established the foundations of the faith and, illuminated by its light, develops the science of divine things; on the other hand, faith delivers reason from errors and protects it and furnishes it with knowledge of many kinds.

--from the Catechism of the Catholic Church (Session III, Chapter IV, Canons 5, 6, and 10)